Giving Circle Admin Development Policy

Giving Circle Admin Development Policy

Please be guided that the Daughters of Divine Love will not be liable to any internal discussions and decisions of the Giving Circle. Intervention will only happen once it violates the policies laid by the Congregation.

  1. Policy on Fund Allocations of Raised Money
    1. Funds received can be considered as restricted or unrestricted funds. For restricted funds, donations received will be deducted 10% admin cost. For unrestricted funds, donations received will be deducted 30% for the Philanthropic Development Office (PDO) operations. Therefore, 90% for the restricted funds and 70% for the unrestricted funds will be allocated to the advocacies supported.
  1. Policy on Financial Reporting
    1. Governance of Funds received is very essential to the development system of the Congregation and the Philanthropic Development Office (PDO) as this will entail proper stewardship and transparency. In the financial governance, we will issue an official thank you card after every donation to be sent to your representative’s address or, if personally given to the Congregation, he/she will receive it immediately.

Giving Circle Communication Protocols

  1. All project proposals must be communicated through an email addressed to or visit our office.
  2. For inquiries, the Facebook page of the DDL PDO LONDON may be used for faster return of responses.

In order to raise awareness and encourage action, we encourage the giving circle and its members to tag the Daughters of Divine Love PDO in your social media posts by using the hashtag/s: #DDLPDOLONDON and #PUTTINGDIVINELOVEINACTIONINTHEWORLD

  1. The DDL PDO may ask for updates from your giving circle at any time to update the records concerning this project.

Thanks for allowing God to use you in his work.