In Keeping with the founders vision the diverse apostolates of the Congregation provides services in every work of life where the manifestation of God’s love is needed. We train our sisters and novices to be able to meet up on a diverse apostolate. We have our sisters in Health Care, Education, Pastoral work, managerial, legal and others. We hope to expand the Congregation and start self help/reliant projects both for our congregation and the underprivileged around us. We aim to develop funding for these programs in Africa and around the world. We need to equip our sisters to be able to carry out their apostolate in the modern time. In Africa most indigent children in rural communities end up on street begging because of lack educational assistance. Our aim is to provide scholarship to these children to finish their education and be responsible persons in the society.
Our programs: Degree/Masters and Doctorate programme for our sisters, trained sisters in specialist courses/ training of our novices. Scholarship/free education for indigent children.